Six Months Of Spew!

Ace Ventura Celebration

It all started six months ago with a throwaway comment made by my brother. Shortly afterward I started spewing and The Verbal Spew Review was born. I had no clear idea of what I wanted this blog to be and no clue what I was going to do with it but here it is six months later, my brain’s little baby, doing its thing. I still don’t know exactly what that thing is precisely, but it’s doing it and I like it.

Six months isn’t a long time in the grand scheme of things. I follow blogs that have been established for years, and in comparison to those behemoths The Spew is merely a drop in the ocean of blogdom. Knowing, however, that I have the attention span of a gnat, I am delighted to have made it this far. This is no doubt largely thanks to you, the readers, and my fellow bloggers who have welcomed me into their communities and comments sections unreservedly.

In celebration I have compiled a few Spew-related facts, stats and achievements that I have particularly enjoyed accruing.

Everyone wants to click on nakey Katee.

Everyone wants to click on nakey Katee.

There have been 42 posts that have gained 956 “likes”, 1,465 comments (half of those are mine!) and have received 40 awards. The most viewed post has been Riddick, which most probably has something to do with the fact that nakey Katee Sackhoff is the most clicked link on the Spew (you’re all filthy). The Hunger Games: Catching Fire is the most liked review with 57 thumbs up and it’s a tie between About V and TV Fall Roundup – HIT or MISS? (Revisited) for most discussed with 82 comments each. My favourite aspect of any blog by far is the discussions that posts can inspire and I’d like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank anyone and everyone who has ever taken the time to like or comment on any of my posts. Discussion is food for the mind, and blogging is pretty much the only time I feed mine because my weekends in general include killing brain cells with wine and beer.

Like many blogs, I have visitors from all around the world. The majority of my tourists come from the good old USofA though, with numbers more than double that of second place. Next up are my UK readers and Canada follows closely behind. Apart from those I really, really would like to know who my reader(s) from Gibraltar are. I’ve been wracking my gray matter trying to figure out who this might be, as I feel I should know, but I’m coming up blank. Say hello Gibraltar, you’re coming betwixt my sleep and I!


When can I visit?

The search engine term that brings the most traffic to the Spew seems to be anything Riddick-related. This naturally also includes all variations of “Katee Sackhoff’s boobs”. Following closely behind Riddick though is everything The Walking Dead-related. These terms seem to be questions like “How do I save Mark in The Walking Dead?”, followed by “OMFG MARK’S LEGS” and “What’s behind the door in the barn?” Sorry for the spoilers, folks. Gaining momentum this last month or so, “Channing Tatum’s ass” and “Threesomes” (I should have expected that one) began to appear after I posted my triple reviews and that picture of Tatum as a gimp in This Is The End. Still though, to this day, nothing tops the weirdness of the caterpillar catastrophe.

Screenshot 23-09-2013(2)

To wrap this up I’d like to share with you what my own favourite posts have been. The very first award I ever received will always hold a special place in my heart. My Liebster Award (I would like to thank…) was also the first opportunity I had on the Spew to write anything at all remotely personal. I enjoyed writing my very first real opinion piece about GUINNESS so much it was almost criminal (there’s nothing like a good rant), but my absolute favourite, the one that began the lurve affair with blogging and lit the spark was My Top Tear-Jerking Moments in Entertainment.

In other news, I’ve taken the plunge and I’ve done a bookface page. There’s nothing on it yet (well this post will be if I’ve done it right) but do give it a like if you’re FB inclined. Since I write at the pace of a lame tortoise I’m hoping to utilise the page for more up to date news segments, links and random ramblings. As I write this Tom has become my very first liker, so he gets a special prize. I don’t know what that prize is yet Tom, but rest assured it will be the most special of all the prizes.

I’m always appreciative of any feedback I get and endeavour to deliver on suggestions that you all make. To help me gauge what it is you wouldn’t mind reading more of here on The Spew, please do me a favour and vote in the poll below.

Thanks for reading!

Follow on Twitter: @VerbalSpew
Like on Facebook: The Verbal Spew Review

Categories: Humour, Personal

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84 replies

  1. Congratulations on making it half a year. ;-)


  2. Here’s to at least six more! Grats.


  3. it feels like some sort of milestone. you deserve a drink.




  5. I wanted to voted ‘boobs’ but it seemed to lack constructive criticism.

    By the way, you easily win ‘best search term’ of the bloggers, because of the sheer randomness of it. My best to date is ‘Rihanna fucking a horse’ which I do not remember blogging about, but…

    It’s been an utter pleasure. In other words, it’s been Spewfect (……………..go away, I’m not a comedian.)


    • That’s okay Luke, lots of people are voting Boobs so it’ll balance itself out. ;P

      As for that Rihanna + horse search term… WTF. My mind boggles, how the hell would that bring someone to your blog? LOL

      It has indeed been a pleasure mate, all mine. It has been nice getting to know spew (you?). (Yeah, I’m not one either.)


  6. Congrats! Love your blog, Your gaming stuff is fantastic :)


  7. I’m honoured to be the first ‘like’ on your Facebook page V! I didn’t know I was! I only set my own Facebook page up last week, so all I ask as my ‘prize’ is you get everyone who signs up to yours to sign up to mine as well haha!

    Congratulations on the 6 months, you’ve done really well and your blog is a great, entertaining read! And FORTY awards already! That’s amazing, I thought my haul of five in three months was good haha

    Keep up the good work V 😄👍


  8. Congrats on the Half Year, glad its going well and always like reading peoples stats info like what search terms they get. Some are so damn funny “Adam Sandler as Gandolf” is still one my favourites :D


  9. CONGRATS!! Keep the wonderful stuff coming, lady. :) P.S. Our 6-month blogiversaries are mere days apart! Mine’s on Friday! I propose a joint party come our one-years in June!!


  10. Well done. And it’s nice to see that I’m not the only one who voted for ‘boobs’.


  11. Job well done :)


  12. My blog’s been running for just over half year now but it’s still nowhere in comparison to yours. The ferocity and frequency of your posts is a credit to the effort gone into them. Gushing aside I hope that one day my blog will be even half as successful as yours. Congrats V, keep up the good fight!


    • You give me entirely too much credit! I got very lucky with the community here, these lovely people have contributed massively to any small success I’ve had. I seriously appreciate your kind words though, what a lovely comment. If you ever want to talk blog (or anything, really!) fire off an email to me. Thanks again, and I’m looking forward to reading a lot more from you.


  13. Congratulations on six months! Looking forward to enjoying more goodness over the coming months! :D


  14. Outstanding post! I’m looking forward to watching your career blossom and I can’t wait to see what you have planned for your first blog birthday.

    P.S. I voted for several of the items in your survey. I wanted to vote for one more, but Linda is pretty good with search engines. I never know when she’s going to pick up my trail.


    • I’ll have to start brainstorming now for the first blog birthday. Decadent soiree? Pug party? Spacewalk Saturday where we all walk around the house all day pretending we’re on the moon? I think I’ll need a party planner.

      P.S. Yay, multiple voting! I wish the results weren’t anonymous. I want to name and shame everyone who voted for the naughty one. Actually, I think I could probably guess that well enough.

      P.P.S. Thank you!


  15. Congrats! I figured you’d be writing a lot longer then me but your blog is only one month older then mine. Here’s to many months (and hopefully years) to come! :)


  16. w00t! Congrats. :) Looking forward to “Liking” many more posts.


  17. You can now sleep peacefully. I am the mysterious reader from Gibraltar!


    • Thank the Maker! I was going to ask again in the next Sunday Spew because I was worried I’d scared my Gibraltarian reader away. I’d figured out mostly everyone else, but you remained a mystery.

      No more though! Awesome.


  18. Congrats V. I’ve been running my blog for a couple of years now, I think, and it gets nowhere near the amount of comments yours get. Probably because I’m a bit tardy with updates. Keep up the good work! :)


  19. I put game narratives only because I hope one day you’ll have a “LET’S PLAY” Youtube Channel. Think you’d be hilarious with your Youtube Page as well.
    Also put “Boobies” because well…you cover everything else from movies to tv shows, and games quite well.


    • I’d love one mate! That’s the dream. As soon as my new PC build is completed and my upload speed is up to scratch that is. I’ll have to have a salty language warning though, because while I might be able to stop myself from cursing during general day to day activities, I can’t control it when I’m in-game. :D

      I can’t believe boobs came in second.


      • LMAO heck I can’t believe boobs weren’t first!
        Can’t wait for your channel senorita! yeah it’s hard not curse when gaming; it’s almost like an involuntary reflex especially when you get fire & frost raped by 2 fu@King dragons, AT ONCE (i.e. SKYRIM).


  20. Just a tad mad!!

    Keep it that way and keep going… you have many, many many MANY year’s blogging left in you!!

    Have a great Christmas… not too much wine and beer and hopefully I can join you for a small sup at some point in real time!! :-P


    • Thank you! Have a wonderful Christmas yourself, with plenty of sups. I attempted one of those silly “12 Pubs of Christmas” thingies over the weekend, only managed three, that’s more than enough I think!


  21. You may have started 6 months ago but for me you’re already one of the big ones, and your weekly posts are one of the highlights of the week in blogging! I hope the Spew goes on for a long long long long long time so I can continue to read your thoughts and laugh and discuss with you, sharing disparaging thoughts on terrible TV and Films!!!


  22. will you forgive me if i steal your ace-ventura animated pic..


  23. Awesome stats there for 6 months, it’s very inspiring given we’ve started out a few months back ourselves. I’m sure you’ll go onto be one of the behemoth blogs you mentioned given the great first half a year you’ve had.

    Good work!


    • Thanks so much for the kind words Murr! You guys are doing a fab job too, it can be hard work this blogging malarkey. Sometimes I think it’s probably a full-time job. But worth it!

      Sometimes. ;D


  24. Congrats on six months! I was shocked to make it to a year. Your blog rocks! Keep up the good work. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to keep up on my blog reading so I hope to be around more. :-) lmao at that caterpillar search!!!


    • Thanks so much! The six months just flew by, made so much more enjoyable by discovering some wonderful blogs, like your own! That’s a good NY resolution, I may borrow it. ;D


  25. Keep up the awesome work, V!


  26. Reblogged this on Versatile Blogger Award and commented:
    And what is the verbal slew? Check it out.



  1. 6-Month Blogiversary! | Silver Screen Serenade
  2. The Christmas Spew « The Verbal Spew Review

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