Machete (2010)

I took on Machete for the You Talkin’ To Me!? “Analysing De Niro” blogathon. Be sure to check it out, it was a lot of fun. My thanks to Tyson and Mark for putting it together, and for letting me take part!

You Talkin' To Me?



Reviewed by V from The Verbal Spew Review



poster machete

I’m a fan of director Robert Rodriguez so I had a sneaking suspicion that I would enjoy this. At the very least I knew I would love the soundtrack; you can add musician to Rodriguez’s laundry list of skills as he never fails to deliver pleasure to my ears with delicious mixes of mariachi and cool, cool guitar (his Grindhouse Blues track from Planet Terror being probably my favourite). Throw in some gratuitous violence and I’m more than game to sit back and let this one envelope me for a couple of hours.

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Categories: Review

9 replies

  1. Great review, lady! I wasn’t so sure this would be a movie I’d enjoy, but you have me re-thinking.


  2. I have to go with Kitt on this one! I wasn’t sure if I’d like this movie, but I might have to check it out now!


  3. I haven’t seen it yet but when I do I’ll be sure to let you know what I think.


  4. Yo V! I’m blogging ova heeyuh! Ok that may read more like Pesci than De Nitro but seriously where ya been friend? And why don’t you ever show up in my reader? Inquiring minds…


  5. I’ve been missing your posts! Hope everything is okay x


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