My Liebster Om Nom Noms

Having taken my brief break from blogdom I’m back with my Liebster Award nominations. I feel like I’ve been gone for an eternity (yes I am prone to the dramatic) and I have so much reading of my favourite blogs to catch up on so I’ll get straight to it. Sometimes quickie beats foreplay.


For anyone unfamiliar with the wanton award that has spread through the blogosphere like Chlamydia, here be the rules:

1. Post the Liebster Award graphic on your site.
2. Thank the blogger who nominated your blog.
3. The nominee is asked to write 11 facts about themselves.
4. Answer the 11 questions from the post of the person who nominated them.
5. The nominee will nominate 9 other blogs.
6. The nominee will then create 11 questions of their own for their nominated bloggers to answer in their Liebster post.

I gave up the juice and answered some fantastic questions (which you can read here if you are so inclined) from Confessions of a Nerf Herder, 1001-Up and Drakulus. Now it is my turn to spread the love to nine of my best blog reads. This time around I’m doing things a little differently. I’m 100% certain that 90% of the blogs and their participants don’t do the awards palaver 89% of the time. I care not. Despite some of these entries being nominated for numerous awards in the past (I counted a list of twenty-something on one particular blog, it even has its own special AWARDS PAGE – posh) I get so much enjoyment out of them that I felt I had to just simply say, you are all totes amaze. Here be the nominations list and the reasons why they’re there.

Sidekick Reviews – For some of the best Gorram recaps of your favourite TV shows, Sidekick Reviews is the place to go. With a passion for popular sci-fi, TV, comics and games, this blog was my one stop shop for Breaking Bad recaps and discussions. The aforementioned is sadly over now, but I still like to relive the best bits. I may have arrived for BB, but I’ll be back for everything else.

Jordan and Eddie – They really are “The Movie Guys”. Between the pair of them, Australia based film fans Jordan and Eddie have all of your bases covered. If you haven’t already seen them around just you make sure to check these gents out.

Hard Ticket to Home Video – For movie news and reviews delivered in the best and most fun ways. It’s so easy to get lost in the cornucopia of amaze that is Hard Ticket to Home Video. Brian even sometimes does reviews in haiku format. What’s not to heart?

Oracle of Film – I’ve been reading this blog since I first arrived at WordPress. Luke’s reviews and articles are always interesting and thought-provoking. In the best way possible; you sometimes feel as though these are conversations you could be having or thoughts you could be sharing with some like-minded friends, perhaps over a frosty beverage, but he’s much more eloquent.

John Heatz – John really does live up to his blog’s tagline, he is “All About Gaming”. For comprehensive and fresh game news he’s your only man. I first encountered Mr. Heatz only a couple of weeks ago when we were both nominated by 1001-Up for a Liebster (and here you are being nominated again, John) and I hope to get to know the man himself and his work better over the coming weeks.

Tim’s Film Reviews – Tim the Film Guy reviews movies, trailers and gives frighteningly accurate box office predictions. The discussions are always entertaining and Tim himself is awesome, check him out.

Isaacs Picture Conclusions – IPC is hands down one of my favourite blogs of all time. With clever events to involve a wonderful community of film bloggers, no IPC post ever fails to deliver on the funny. Plus there are usually plenty of banners of scantily-clad ladies extolling the virtues of said events. Win.

Geek Blogger UK – Self-professed geek Chris runs a review blog, where he discusses film, TV and comics. The insatiable appetite he has for all things nerd and entertainment far surpasses even my own, so therefore he is well worth a perusal.

Head in a Vice – One of the best movie review blogs out there, Tyson of Head in a Vice has created a wonderful environment where film is paramount and discussion championed. He also regularly invites other members of the film blogging community to do guest posts for Desert Island Films, a great feature where they choose the eight films they’d take with them to enjoy during their trip of island isolation. He’s recently joined forces with Mark Walker (of MARKED MOVIES) to create You Talkin’ To Me, a blog solely dedicated to Robert De Niro. There you’ll find information about the man himself and there’s an upcoming blogathon, wherein dozens of bloggers will be reviewing every single film he has ever been in. I’ll be doing Machete myself, so if you’re a fan of the De Niro or just want to know more, check it out.

And now, for the bestest part, their questions.

1. It’s Friday today, HUZZAH! What are you up to this weekend?

2. I posted once about my Top Tear-Jerking Moments in Entertainment; where I detailed the various scenes or pieces that made me cry while watching. Tell me about yours please!

3. If you could listen to only one album for the rest of your life (how cruel), which album would you choose?

4. There really are some bizarre phobias people can have. Like omphalophobia, which is a fear of navels, or papaphobia, fear of the Pope (can’t blame you really) or even pogonophobia, the fear of beards. What? Beards are awesome, aren’t they? I have a fear of mushrooms, but I don’t know what that’s called. Have you a phobia? What are you afraid of? If you’re a fearless man-beast with a manly man-beard and have no phobias then instead you can tell me a story about how manly you are.

5. What upcoming film and/or game are you most looking forward to, and why?

6. What is the best chat-up/pick-up line you’ve ever heard or used?

7. What character, be they in film, TV, comic, literature or game, do you most relate to? And why?

8. What do you sing in the shower?

9. If you could go back to any place or period in time, where/when would you choose to go, and why?

10. You have a hot date and he/she is coming around to your place for dinner and maybe later there will be some dessert. What do you cook to suitably impress?

11. What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone? Or have had pulled on you?

So there we have it, my nominees and their questions. BUT! I also have a few shout-outs! Are you a fan of Tabletop RPGs? Check out VOID, a blog detailing a brand new, original dark-fantasy D20 based game in development. Highly articulate Vinnieh runs another wonderful movie review blog, his posts are always a nice read. Beer and Joysticks, a staple of the WP gaming community, do exactly what it says on their blog’s tin. Beer + Games = WUNDERBAR. The Otaku Judge is a beautiful blog that focuses on anime, manga and games, another one I found through 1001-Up, the Liebster, bringing us all together since 2011. And finally, Andrew Blumetti’s A Blumes With a View is freakin’ hilarious, and he shares my affinity for the majestic caterpillar.

Speaking of pranks in Question #11, this provides me with a nice segue into the off-topic segment of my post, as is tradition. Yesterday I found some chicken fillets in the fridge that were rapidly approaching their best before date, so I decided to make myself an epic triple-decker sandwich of the most delicious proportions. I cooked the chicken and fried some bacon. Then I made a Marie Rose sauce and mixed the diced chicken fillet with some onions and red peppers into it. I then spread this mixture onto the toasted bread, added the sizzling bacon and melted some cheese on top. After slicing it into two triangles (everything tastes better when it’s triangular) I made the rookie mistake of abandoning my beautiful sandwich creation to go outside to the garage so I could obtain for myself the perfect accompaniment; a beer. When I returned, this is what I found:

Translation for those unfamiliar with Irish spirit speak: "Thanks for the sandwich. The Spirit."

Translation for those unfamiliar with Irish spirit speak: “Thanks for the sandwich. The Spirit.”

Nobody knew or would tell me where my sandwich had gone. I searched everywhere for it but alas, it had disappeared. Probably into someone’s belly. Since then, everything that has gone wrong has been blamed on The Spirit. Filthy footprints tracked in from outside? It was The Sandwich Spirit. Dishwasher not emptied? The Sandwich Spirit. Unflushed floater in the loo? Yup, The Sandwich Spirit. It’s a conspiracy and they’re all in on it. Of course they realise, this means war.

Categories: Humour, Personal

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34 replies

  1. First of all, gratz on the award! Secondly…. “Sometimes quickie beats foreplay” you must be the first girl to say that…ever….. :P


  2. THANK YOU!!!! And thanks for the honoring words.



  3. Nice job, I was wondering when you would come back :]


  4. Congrats and thank you very much, loving the kind words :D

    Am a Grinch when it comes to repeating these awards, but I promise its because I am a busy (haha), Nah am just lazy :D


  5. Congratulations on your bevy of new awards young lady. They are certainly well deserved!

    I also have to thank you for introducing me to the Sandwich Spirit. I’m not sure exactly when, but I’m absolutely positive that he or she will be a desperately needed “get out of jail free” card for me someday.

    By the way, is there a maximum number of times that the Sandwich Spirit can be invoked?


  6. Hey there V, many thanks for the nomination. Really chuffed about that, hope you don’t mind another well-deserved nomination yourself:


  7. Awwwww thank you so much that’s so sweet of you!


  8. Wow! Thanks so much for the shoutout!! We love your support. You rock!


  9. Allow me to take the time to answer your well-thought out questions:

    1. Going to my in-laws!
    3. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars
    4. I am pretty manly. Once I killed a rhinoceros with my big toe, so I don’t have any real phobias, although I’m not real fond of snakes, I used to be afraid of being cut but I got over that because I’m such a man.
    5. JURASSIC WORLD!!!! And whenever the next Fallout game comes out.
    6. I was on a date with a girl at the zoo, and she was talking to me about some child care job she did where she had to teach them the difference between a good touch and a bad touch, so I said, “If I kissed you, would that be a good touch, or a bad touch!” Fortunately, she said a good touch! But that could have gone horribly wrong…
    7. Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm. He’s always brutally honest with people in the funniest way possible and I try to do the same.
    8. “A Quick One, While He’s Away” by The Who. It lasts almost exactly as long as my average shower.
    9. Back to this morning so I can tell myself to get more work done.
    10. I’d buy the fanciest TV dinner available and put it on a plate like I made it. Then imply there will be a single-serving Kit-Kat afterward.
    11. I impregnated my wife, then 9 months later a baby came out! You should have seen the look on her face! LOL


    • 1. To that I’ll say oooh nooo. Unless you actually like your in-laws, in which case, yay, free babysitters!
      2. Brilliant list.
      3. Great album.
      4. I totally believe your manly story, everyone knows your big toe has WMD status.
      6. That has to be one of the most well-timed lines I’ve ever heard. Very impressed.
      7. I see the resemblance.
      8. Great song. Isn’t it about ten minutes long though? What are you doing in there.
      9. You could do that, but you’d probably just end up doing the exact same thing again.
      10. I want a Kit-Kat now.
      11. … HAHA

      I love all of your answers, twas a nice surprise, thanks for taking the time to write them up. :D


  10. I’ve only just got around to reading this. Thanks for the compliments. It means a lot.


  11. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too late to this, I’m sorry, but thank you so much for the award and kind words! You are doing fantastic work over here and its a pleasure to have met you :)



  1. Weekly Recap #8 | John Heatz
  2. Answers to V and Drakulus! (Liebster Award) | John Heatz

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