The Liebster Award (I would like to thank…)

The Academy, of course, and my mother for ejecting me from her womb all of those years ago, oh, and Jebus, naturally.


My very first award. My cunning ploy to disguise myself as one of you and gain your trust in order to eventually facilitate the oncoming invasion of my people has succeeded.

Seriously though, I have been very lucky to find such an open and supportive community here at WordPress in my short time blogging. I have some amazing followers that I admire with amazing blogs that I enjoy on a daily basis. One such blogger, Natasha Harmer of Films and Things, saw fit to pass on a nomination for this award to little old V. Be sure to stop by her blog and have a perusal; it is chock-full of fabulous articles and reviews, not to mention her great regular Top 5 feature, which never fails to interest.

For anyone who might be new to the blog award system, here are the rules that I lifted directly from Natasha’s post because she’s got the 411.

1. Post the Liebster Award graphic on your site.
2. Thank the blogger who nominated your blog.
3. The nominee is asked to write 11 facts about themselves.
4. Answer the 11 questions from the post of the person who nominated them.
5. The nominee will nominate 9 other blogs.
6. The nominee will then create 11 questions of their own for their nominated bloggers to answer in their Liebster post.

If I’m following the list correctly (I like lists, aren’t lists great?) next up is eleven facts. Since there is very little personal information on my blog I will take this opportunity to give you some gory details.

1. When I was a little girl I wanted to be an actress. Then a marine biologist. Then a psychologist. Then a writer. I actually work in HR. Make of that what you will!

2. I can fit my fist in my mouth. It’s one of my party pieces. Some people think it’s great but most think it’s disgusting.

3. I studied piano and voice at the Royal Irish Academy of Music and am a classically trained singer.

4. When I was younger I told my little brother that we’d found him under a cabbage when he was a baby and decided to keep him.

5. I drive a Toyota MR2 T-bar Turbo.

6. I am completely freaked out by tickles. I have passed out before from being tickled, much to everyone else’s amusement. I can’t cope with tickles. Naturally, because the cat is well and truly out of the bag by now, this means that the OH takes a perverse joy in tickling me as often as possible. I have a wonderful boyfriend.

7. My very first Halloween costume ever was a Pamper’s box. One of the big wholesale ones. My mother cut holes for my head, legs and arms and sent me off trick-or-treating. She was very creative.

8. I used to deliver the post (the mail) to Bono (of U2) in his recording studio in Dublin City center when I worked as a postperson (mail carrier). He was always really pleasant.

9. I am 5’1.5″ in height. I am tiny. I also have big knockers so I looked absolutely ridiculous as a young teenager.

10. I hate feet. Not my own of course, but in general. Feet are frightfully abhorrent looking things.

11. The idea for the name of my blog came about one night after one or two (ten) sociable digestifs (beers). A friend and I had been debating the societal and economic advantages to the separation of Church from State, as one does at such soirées down at the local boozer. My debate style in real life is ludicrously verbose at times (you should read my work e-mails, they’re torturous) and in the end he stood up and announced, “There is no point in arguing with you, you just verbally spew all over everything.” I rather liked this, even though it conjures an unattractive image in the mind. I agreed with him, I do verbally spew.

Here are the eleven questions from Natasha’s blog:

1. If you had to choose a horror scenario to happen to you what would it be; home invasion, alien invasion, apocalypse (of the zombie variety) or stalk and slash?

Great question. To be honest I think I’d be better equipped to deal with an alien invasion or a zombie apocalypse. I’ve seen so many movies/played so many games that deal with this scenario that I reckon I’d be made King (or Queen?) of the Remaining Andals because of my superior survival knowledge. (In reality I’d put money on me being one of the first to die). A home invasion would see me hiding in a closet. As for stalk and slash? I wouldn’t be allowed to live because I’m not a virgin.

So yes, I think I’d go for zombie apocalypse. If they are Walking Dead type zombies. Not L4D type zombies.

2. Tomorrow night you’re going on a date with a film character of your choosing, who is it and why?

Ace Ventura. Because how much fun would that be. And apparently he’s an animal in the sack.

3. When the internet goes down, what’s your coping strategy?

I take the opportunity to see people I don’t see regularly enough because the internet is a cruel mistress. If it was a weekend I’d probably go for a few pints or meet up with the ladies for some shots and table-top dancing. If it’s a weeknight and I have work in the morning (I can’t do the hungover at work thing anymore) then I’d catch up on a huge back-list of books, play a game (that doesn’t require an internet connection) or watch a movie.

If I was really desperate I’d just make a hotspot out of my phone.

4. What’s your favourite show on TV right now?

Breaking Bad. Science, bitches!

5. Would you rather be too hot and have to cool down or be too cold and have to keep warm?

Too hot. I’m from a cold and rainy country, I love being warm.

6. Shower or bath?

I like both. But if I had to choose, probably shower. For convenience. It has to be very, very hot though. Like, almost burn the freckles off your skin hot.

7. What country do you most want to visit?

I’m very lucky because I’ve traveled extensively in my short life and I’ve seen so many wonderful places. At the moment though I think the next stop on my wishlist is probably Argentina. It looks so lovely and I want to learn how to tango.

8. Biggest fear?

Losing the people I love.

9. Favourite ice cream flavour?

Vanilla. Seriously boring.

10. If the purge was for real, which celebrity/public figure would you most want to brutally murder? You can be honest, they’re not going to read this.

All of the Jersey Shore people. I’m sorry Jersey Shore people, but you’re all awful.

11. Any plans for the weekend?

Not really! It looks like it might be a quiet one, which is nice. Will probably have a drink or two with friends at some stage though, would be rude not to.

Next up, my nominees! Just as an aside, please don’t feel pressured into responding or carrying on the award. If it’s not your thing I totally understand, instead you should look upon this as my shout-out to you, my way of saying thanks and of telling you that you’re awesome. I struggled to narrow this to nine blogs, I must admit. Some have been with me since the very beginning of The Verbal Spew Review (all of three months ago, bahaha!) and others I’ve more recently gotten to know and appreciate as bloggers, in so many different ways and for so many different reasons. I noticed too that a couple of blogs I was going to nominate had already received this award, or have more followers than the rules allow (curse you, popular people!), so if you’re not here that’s probably why!




Dreamatorium Redux

JF Owen

Read. Watch. Blog.

Real Talk

The PewPew Diaries

Oh! That Film Blog

Other blogs that you should most DEFINITELY check out for absolutely all of your entertainment needs: digitalshortbreadHead In A ViceOracle of Film and Tim’s Film Reviews. ACHTUNG: The aforementioned blogs are highly addictive.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it my nominees, is to answer me these questions three. (Eleven).

1. What is your very first childhood memory?
2. You’ve hit the big-time. You’ve just won the Nobel Peace Prize. You’ve won the lottery. You’ve gained fame by ruthlessly pursuing the monsters that kidnapped a family member. You’ve been put in jail because you’re just too damn good-looking and the safety of singletons everywhere is threatened by your freedom. They’re making a movie about you. Who plays you, why, and what is the movie called?
3. It’s midnight and you’re hungry. What is your go-to snack?
4. The old hypothetical dinner party conundrum. You can invite any four people, alive or dead, famous or not, to a dinner party. Who do you invite and why?
5. What do you want to be when you grow up?
6. What do you do to unwind after a tough day?
7. If you could be an animal for a day what animal would you be?
8. Do you have a guilty, secret pleasure that you think you probably shouldn’t? Like Reality TV, or Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepsen? Tell me!
9. There has been an “atmospheric phenomenon” and you wake up with a superpower. You can make yourself invisible at whim. Who do you spy on, and why?
10. I’m sure you have a lovely name, but if you could change it to anything, what name would you choose?
11. Star Wars or Star Trek? If neither, you’d better have a damn good reason.

You are all mein liebsters. Catch you tomorrow for The Walking Dead Wednesday.

Categories: Humour, Personal

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57 replies

  1. Congrats on your award. Great reading your fun facts and answers! I had co-worker that had the opportunity to meet Bono but he didn’t know who U2 was and kept referring to him as Bozo. lol. Yup Breaking Bad rules! :)


    • LOL! Bozo! To be fair though I’m sure he’s been called much worse. :D
      Cheers for the congrats too. As for BB, there will be a massive hole in my TV viewing when it finishes. And can I just say, you do great recaps.


  2. I’m honored, humbled and shaking in my shoes. How can I possibly write an acceptance post as entertaining as this one is, especially since age has used up all but forty-seven of my brain cells. No matter, I’ll give it the old college try.

    Thank you V; I’ll try not to embarrass you!


  3. aw shucks **BLUSHES** I’ll try to work on the questions later this week. I feel so special to even be nominated. :D


  4. Congratulations, definitely well deserved! :)


  5. Thanks Vee :) Your blog is fantastic! You’ve got an awesome personality that shines on ur blog. And I’ll put aside my class work for tonight so I can get crackin on your questions miss. Also, 2 quick questions for you:
    -Did you see Riddick?
    -How insane were the final minutes of Breaking Bad this past Sunday?!? (Kinda nerdy, but I luv the way that final sequence was shot & edited)
    Lastly, fun fact…I am 5’2″ :O YUP shortys for the win!!!


    • Yay! It will be awesome to read your answers! Now some answers for you:
      – I haven’t seen Riddick yet! I’m hoping to see it this evening. It needs to happen.
      – Last Breaking Bad ep was INSANE. And brilliant. I sat looking like this for the last few minutes
      —> :O
      I’m dying to know what happens to Jesse.

      We should start up a League of Blogging Midgets for Individuals of Diminished Stature. Don’t know if WordPress could handle so much shorty awesome though. ;D


      • “LOBMFIODS?”……….hhhummm…………
        It has it’s own style I’ll admit BUT WordPress might crash when we actually go live w/ that blog from the shorty AWESOMENESS!!!
        ………Perhaps one day when WordPress is strong enough to contain us shortys ;)
        So much to say to you about Riddick. Took a friend to go see it this past weekend and…well I’ll wait to talk to you about it, but my friend was royally pist at the film & Vin Diesel 8/ yup
        LMAO at your reaction to Bad
        Btw, I’m going to post the Liebster + the answers to your questions on Dreamatorium later today


  6. Wow, thanks very much! Love your blog and you’re very deserving of the Liebster. Will do my best to construct a post as good as this one! :-)


  7. The oncoming invasion of your people…. As in the Irish?

    Yeah that still works.


  8. “When I was younger I told my little brother that we’d found him under a cabbage”

    HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! I need to incorporate that saying into my daily life….


  9. Congrats on the award V, geekily awesome that you used to deliver Bono’s mail!


    • Cheers Chris! Yeah, I used to completely geek out during the walk up the path to the studios. It took me a couple of weeks to get over the shock. His receptionist gave me presents that Christmas too. :D

      Though nothing valuable or signed that I could sell on eBay, unfortunately. ;)


  10. Thank you so much! Although I must admit I had no idea I even had a blog, I thought this was some sort of sentient root vegetable I was typing on! *wanders off into the yard in his hospital robe*

    No but really, thanks! I am so new and half-assed at this blog that I barely subscribe to anyone yet, I may reserve this offer for a later date and resurrect this post when I have more. I might do a post answering your questions though, I will completely admit to not being able to resist things like that. That’s a good way to trap me, actually. “Here’s a list of 10 interesting questions, now stand on this X I’ve scrawled on the ground… right over here…”


    • LOL Ant. You’re so very welcome. Root vegetable or no I always enjoy your blog, probably because it’s so eclectic. Plus, you were the first person to ever engage me in a discussion here (about BSG I believe) and I’ll never forget that!

      Take your time with the noms. I’m going to head over now for a read of your answers, that was my favourite part of the whole experience too. :D


  11. Thanks for the little mention there V! Loved reading your answers, and you’re honest assessment of yourself as a teenager! ;)


  12. Wow! Thank you so much! I’ll definitely keep the flame alive and pass this on to other deserving bloggers. And congrats in your own nomination! :)


  13. Congrats on the award, I have a feeling it will be the first of many more.


  14. Just so you know, I received a telephone call from our local TV news program today. They wanted to confirm a rumor that I knew “V”, the famous blogger from the Emerald Isle. I told them that I did, but I could tell by the tone of their voice that they didn’t believe me :) I hope that you had a great day basking in the well deserved recognition of your peers!


  15. Thank you for the nomination! It’s the first one Real Talk has ever received. Sorry it’s taken so long to comment. I’ve been sick since last Friday and I’ve been MIA.

    I’m entirely flattered and humbled someone really likes the blog. Nice to be recognized every once in awhile :)

    Your post is very witty and pretty awesome. Not sure if I could post something of equal merit. I will do my best to make you proud. :)


    • Hey o/

      Hope you’re feeling better! A well deserved nomination for Real Talk, I love the premise and execution of the blog. Very proud of all my noms! :D

      Oh, and how strange (but wonderful) that we both were inspired to write about Guinness ads!


      • I’m still at awe that someone enjoys our blog that much. :) Really means a lot to me.

        I am definitely feeling better. However, I do have a lingering cough that is persistent because of my allergies. Hopefully I’ll be well by next week.

        The other day while I was catching up on everyone’s blog posts I noticed you posted the same video. Thought that was pretty cool. Weirdly enough your posts didn’t come up on my Reader so I simply went to your website. It still shows I follow you. Not sure what’s going on.

        I will be leaving soon to see Insidious Chapter 2. :). Will post a review soon. Plan on watching “The Family” as well. Have so many topics to write about, including my nominations :)

        Again thank you for the nomination and for your comments!

        Hope you have a great day!


        • I’ve been having some WP issues alright, maybe that’s why I’m not showing up in your reader! Hopefully it’ll be resolved soon enough. Looking forward to your Insidious 2 review, I haven’t yet decided whether I want to go and see it in the cinema or not, so you can help me with that. Hope you’re having a great weekend.


      • Oh and more importantly, I think your blog is pretty stellar. Love the name as well.


  16. A very interesting and witty post. I always enjoy your undeniable awesomeness. Thanks so much for continuing to support our blog!


  17. So your brother is a cabbage patch baby. I would never have known. Please post a video showcasing your singing voice or I will send Mr Tickle round to your place.


  18. Diminutive? Distinctive! Destructive? Delicate… d, d and D!! You spew so well!!

    PS – There are a few more “D’s” but then you may think I’m a tad OTT!! Or a stalker… ;-)



  1. Answering some questions from verbalspew. | AntAesthetic
  2. The Liebster Award | The PewPew Diaries.
  3. The Liebster Award (Take Two) | The Verbal Spew Review
  4. Awards Mega-Post & Virtual Smooches « The Verbal Spew Review
  5. Six Months Of Spew! « The Verbal Spew Review

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