Awards Mega-Post & Virtual Smooches

It has been a while in the making, but today saw me determined to complete an awards acceptance and thanks post. I’d promise never to be a blog-related procrastinator in the future but we all know I’d just be lying to you.

Those of you who read my blog ramblings with any frequency will note that I am always delighted and ecstatic to find out a fellow writer has nominated me for an award. This month saw eighteen (WTF!?) of these awards for The Verbal Spew Review, and I cannot thank you all enough nor find the adequate words with which to express my gratitude for your support, kindness and recognition.

So I’ll just leave it at: THANKS!

Now I shall tackle the V facts, thank the bloggers who nominated me for the Sunshine, Versatile, Influential and WordPress Family awards, and in turn spread the lurve among a few gorgeous people. And before I start, as always:

Just as an aside, please don’t feel pressured into responding or carrying on the award. If it’s not your thing I totally understand, instead you should look upon this as my shout-out to you, my way of saying thanks and of telling you that you’re awesome.

Facts first. For more information about me that you can use at a later date for blackmail purposes, see here, here and here.

1. I’m as blind as a bat (-5.5 prescription in both eyes) and so wear contacts/glasses on a daily basis. I broke my hipster designer specs the other evening when I fell asleep wearing them and rolled over, mushing them into my face and snapping them in the middle. I’m currently sporting the same pair stylishly held together in the middle with tape.

2. Back when I was a kid, this was the music we listened to and this was how we danced. I can still do the Prodigy dance, but now I have to hold my boobs.

3. I’m a big fan of breakfast cake. Along with my coffee my morning munch will consist of apple danishes, cupcakes, toffee muffins or chocolate croissants. Breakfast of champions.

4. I have two tattoos, both on my back.

5. I was held-up and robbed a couple of times at work when I was younger. The first time is the most memorable one because the thief in question, before he legged it with the loot said, “Sorry”. I was so taken aback and amused by the apology from a dude who had seconds previously been pointing a shotgun at my head that I started laughing and couldn’t stop. I’m fairly certain I was in shock but my colleagues thought I was a psychopath.

6. I was a very shy and quiet child.

7. That didn’t last long.

8. Having worked for most of my adult life in a predominantly male environment I’ve had dozens of nicknames, none of which I minded (the ones I would have minded were cleverly kept a secret from me, the lads would also do things like send the newbies to the shop to ask for stuff like “tartan paint” and “strawberry tampons”), but I can’t stand it, I actually get inexplicably angry, when someone misspells or mispronounces my real name.

9. The first film I ever saw in a theatre was Disney’s The Lady and the Tramp.

10. I am addicted to online courses. I have an array of random qualifications received from a number of online institutions, including diplomas in Psychotherapy and Counselling and Employment Law. There are also the “fun” ones that I love doing via Coursera, like Logic – The Art of Argument from Duke, Social Psychology from Wesleyan and the most recent, Online Games: Literature, New Media and Narrative from Vanderbilt, wherein we explored the influence of literature in MMORPGs and played Lord of the Rings Online together as a class. To prove that I have absolutely no time to take on any of these extra-curriculars I actually completely forgot about one course I had applied to do (and had paid for, no less) in Addiction Studies. I think that’s a sign. If you have some time to kill though and would like to do something informative and different, check out Coursera.

The Sunshine Award

My thanks to Alex Raphael, Drakulus, The Mental Attic, JohnHeatz, 1001-Up, Nostalgia and Gaming, Recollections of Play, The Chronic Chronicler, The PewPew Diaries and the late night session for their Sunshine nominations this last month.

THE SUNSHINE AWARD – The following are the people that inject some sunshine into my day. They’ve made me laugh and smile with their posts and general loveliness.

The Versatile Blogger1

My thanks to Game Blog Girl, Gamers Therapy, Lunaliah, The Dad, Gentleman Geek and Recollections of Play for their Versatile nominations this last month.

THE VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD – The definition of the word “versatile” is as follows: “to be capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavour, etc.” I’m going to take this award by its literal meaning and award it to bloggers who I feel tackle numerous topics, and do so with a wonderful ease.

Most Influential Blogger Award

My thanks to Kim from Tranquil Dreams for her Influential nomination this month.

THE MOST INFLUENTIAL BLOGGER AWARD – When I first came to WordPress there were quite a few blogs that stood out for me, blogs that I both loved and learned from. I remember thinking that their authors did fantastic work and had touched readers with their well-written reviews, articles or hilarious hooks. This was something I definitely aspired to emulate.

WordPress Family Award

My thanks to Drakulus for his recent WordPress Family nomination.

THE WORDPRESS FAMILY AWARD – There’s no doubt about it; had I not started The Verbal Spew Review I probably never would have experienced this beautiful sense of writing community that I share with many of you now. Most of you I speak with regularly outside of blogdom. Some of you I actually speak with every day. Regardless of what statement rings truest for you, the people below should please consider themselves to be clan.

There are so many more I wanted to mention; some of you I’ve just encountered recently, others I’m looking forward to reading more of. Naturally it goes without saying that every single link in this post is gold, and every single blog either thanked or nominated is worth checking out. Spew swear.

I don’t know about you, but I need a pint after all of that.

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71 replies

  1. Thanks for the include!!!


  2. I’m pretty sure you put me under the wrong award, but thank you , lovely miss.

    By the way:
    “Back when I was a kid, this was the music we listened to and this was how we danced. I can still do the Prodigy dance, but now I have to hold my boobs.” Video??


    • Nope, you’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. :P

      I’ve a wedding coming up and I always break out the moves for those, I’ll have it recorded especially so I can mentally scar everyone for life.


  3. Congratulations on all of your many awards. What an exciting day to be alive! And thank you for filing my humble little blog under the Sunshine Award, mucho gracias.


  4. I still can’t believe that you can do the Prodigy dance. Wicked! I remember dancing to the whole Experience album back in the day…


  5. Thank you and congratulations across the board!


  6. Those facts are fantastic! Probably the most interesting ones I’ve read thus far. :-)


  7. Who mispronounces V???!!!

    Thank you and I shall also have a pint for you.


  8. Thanks for the award, V! And now I have another post to do :-P


  9. Look at you and all your awards! Congrats! Very well deserved! :) And THANK YOU for the nomination!! I just did a Sunshine Award not long ago, so I may skip posting this one, but it’s lovely and very encouraging to know someone thinks my blog is sunshiny! :D


  10. Cheers V!!! Your brilliant writing is receiving the attention it deserves!! Love your work here and thanks so much for the shout-out as well. I, like you, need to stop slacking on putting up an acceptance post. :D Keep it up, look forward to more


  11. Congratulations for all of the well deserved awards young lady. From the first time I read your blog, I knew that you were destined for greatness. Now, so does the rest of the world.


  12. Congratulations – your blog really is great reading. :D


  13. You well deserve all of these awards and more. And thank you so very much for nominating me for the Versitle Blogger Award. That’s so very cool of you. Thank you!


  14. That award is my first of the kind :D Thank you for putting me in there :) You can find a page on my award pages list on the left of my blog soon :D
    You do conduct a grand award ceremony indeed ;)


  15. Congratulations!


  16. You have been robbed multiple times? How terrifying. At least the first chap was polite about it.


  17. Congrats for all the nominations V!
    This post reminds that I still need to do an acceptance post… *sigh*. Or.. I’m just that good in procrastinating stuff. :D


  18. Congrats again for all your winnings, wow you’re mighty popular :D

    Btw, I’m way more blind than you w/ a -8.5 prescription on both eyes, ahah. Can’t even see the alarm clock in the morning, ha..ha..


    • OMG! Someone blinder (is that even a word? It is now!) than me! Do you wear contacts too?


      • Yes I do! Fortunately contacts don’t bother me but I’m hoping to get Lasik surgery in a year or two just to get the prescription down to a reasonable level. I’d be happy if I can just see my alarm in the morning without scrambling to find my eyeglasses, ahah!


        • Finally someone who can relate! I use my phone as my alarm clock, which means I have to hold it as close to me as possible and that usually ends with me dropping it on my face. I’m a fan of contacts myself but I really would love to get laser surgery, how amazing would it be to open your eyes in the morning and be able to SEE. :D


  19. This was an awesome post :]. Thanks for kind words and love V. I really appreciate it :]


  20. So, I’m not lovely then? But I’m clan so that’s good hahahahaa

    Awesome post V, as usual :)


  21. Congratulations on your wonderful success!


  22. Always glad for your success, V!


  23. Thanks V! I never realised I injected sunshine into anyone’s day. I usually inject them with a troubling feeling of existential dread. You’ve changed me!


  24. Thank you, V, for the Versatile Blogger nod. Now the pressure is on for me to continuie diversifying …


  25. Mmmmmmmm… uuuuuuhu… where do I begin??

    1 – I think you’re telling porkies… those glasses will onny make you look sexy…
    2 – That I want to see
    3 – indifferent but occasionally chocolate for breakfast is great!!
    4 – Refer to point 2
    5 – Pshyco sounds reasonable… wha- ha- haaaa…not at the experience but at your reaction! Classy!!
    6 – I wonder…
    7 – I’ve stopped wondering!!
    8 – Somehow I think you rule the roost!! They grovel… makes me smile… I can well imagine the heads turning as you walk by… low whistles, whispered comments… I think I could guess the content of some of the compliments!
    9 – Who cares??
    10 – Reminds me of a three part course I paid over a grand for and then didn’t get past part 2 because I realised I’d been had!!!

    Anyway… thanks again for a highly entertaining read… I really love visiting and imagining all yer mischief!!


    • LOL thanks AJ! Glad to hear I’m not the only one that enjoys a bit of chocolate for brekkie. Really can’t beat it. Had a nutella sandwich this morning actually. Wouldn’t mind another one. ;)

      Thank YOU for a highly entertaining response to my facts. :D



  1. VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD | Y.I. Washington Writer/Poet
  2. [NEWS] The Sunday Spew (8th December 2013) « The Verbal Spew Review
  3. The Attic Cleanup – 08-12-2013 | The Mental Attic
  4. Awesome Bloggers, Awesome Awards! | The Mental Attic
  5. WordPress Family Award | John Heatz
  6. Weekly Recap #18 | John Heatz

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